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What is Grain & Trains?
Free Charity Event benefitting Toys for Tots and Forgotten Harvest
December 7, 2017​
13250 Newburgh Road Livonia, Michigan 48150
2pm until 6pm
The 2nd Annual Grains & Trains is an event hosted to bring the community together around the Holidays to help make a difference. There will be food, drinks, and a silent auction. Bring a friend, a neighbor, a family member, or a coworker and help be that difference in the community.
Type of Donations?
New Toys will be benefitting Toys for Tots
Silent Auction will be benefitting Forgotten Harvest

2017 was a success!
6000 meals were raised for Forgotten Harvest.
2,000 toys for Toys for Tots.
Thank you to everyone who contributed!
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